Austrian Slave Camps,  A

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Slave Labor in Camps in Austria A-B

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Austrian archives -


Aflenz - District of Bruck a.d. Mar, British Zone, civilian workers camp employed in the construction of a subterranean factory, as per Belgium Tracing Bureau.

Amstetten - District of Amstetten, Russian Zone, Concentration camp of Mauthausen, code B as per War Crimes Comm. held 2,540 prisoners in 1945.

Attnang-Puchheim, District of Voecklabruck, 4 miles East of Voecklabruck, US zone, 2 concentration camps:

a) CC kdo of Mauthausen, code U 1 (per War Crimes Commission) was working for Steinverwertung AGRedlzipf.

b) CC kdo of Mauthausen, code Q called Schlier-Redl Zipf was situated in Altpang-Redl Zipf, SW Linz Rte. 31, first mentioned in 1944 having 482 prisoners based on death reports.

18.1.2023: Hello,
My name is Franziska Lamp and for my dissertation project at the University of Vienna, which is looking at migration policies in Austria after the Second World War (, I am conducting narrative, oral history interviews on the life stories of former Displaced Persons (DPs) and refugees who spent parts of their lives in Austrian DP / refugee-camps after the end of World War II. If you have any information about experiences and memories of life in these camps or would like to give me an interview, please feel free to contact me under the following email:
[email protected]

Department of Contemporary History
University of Vienna
Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 1
1090 Vienna

Franziska Maria Lamp, BA BA MA
Wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiterin & Doktorandin/ PhD-Researcher
Institut für Zeitgeschichte/Department of Contemporary History
Universität Wien /University of Vienna
Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 1
1090 Wien / Vienna
[email protected]
Project homepage:

Recent Publications:
"The `unmarried mother': Single-mother families in displaced persons camps
in post-World War II Austria, in: Routed, Migration & (Im)mobility Magazine,

"'…ob er mit seiner Eheschließung der Volksgemeinschaft nützt,'“ in:
Junges Forschungsnetzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte,

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